The Significance of Braces, Invisalign, Surgery, & Retainers - video

adult braces colors

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Expert orthodontists use metal and ceramic braces to treat overjets with excellent results.  Braces  use small brackets connected by a wire to safely and predictably move the teeth into their correct positions, diminishing the distance between the top and bottom teeth to close the excessive overjet.

Licensed orthodontists  are trained extensively in the use of braces to treat overjets and other malocclusions. For the most experienced professionals, faster treatment and generally lower prices, it’s best to go to a dedicated orthodontist’s office, rather than a general dentist, for braces treatment.

Get Overjet Treatment with Braces
invisalign aligner with case

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Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligner therapy for overjets is a proficient method for rectifying the alignment of teeth that are protruding forward. It works well when a skilled and licensed orthodontist uses it. Thousands have improved their smiles with this therapy.

When choosing an orthodontic treatment, it's important to pick an experienced professional. They should be well-versed in using Invisalign for the best results.

This treatment involves a series of clear aligners. These are made just for you by your dentist or orthodontist. They are tailored to address your specific needs.

Remember, for treating overjets, the right orthodontic treatment makes a big difference. Using patented materials like SmartTrack™ aligner materialsSmartForce™ attachments , and  iTero® scanning , Invisalign is clinically proven to correct overjets faster and with more predictable movement.

When you’re seeking clear aligner therapy for your overjet, avoid teledentists: mail-order aligners boast that they can correct your smile without you ever having to see an orthodontist, but this can create serious problems for your teeth, and lasting consequences for your health.

Schedule Invisalign Overjet Correction

Overjet correction with Invisalign, 12 months treatment

overjet invisalign correction
dental surgery

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In some cases of severe overjets, oral surgery might be needed for the best outcome. This type of surgery is called "oral surgery for severe overjets." It helps close the gap caused by overjets, often referred to as "buck teeth." An orthodontist, who uses devices like an "orthodontic appliance," will guide you through this process.

When oral surgery is necessary, your orthodontist will discuss the treatment plan with you. They will then refer you to a skilled oral surgeon. It's important to find an experienced orthodontist for these complex cases. They will ensure you get the right care from a top oral surgeon.

For cases requiring oral surgery, there are 3 phases of care:

  • Presurgical (done by an orthodontist to prepare for surgery)
  • Surgical (done by an oral surgeon)
  • Post-surgical done by an orthodontist to finish the case.
Consult with Expert Orthodontists for Severe Overjet Treatment

How Surgery Impacts an Overjet Patient


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Retainers  after overjet correction play a vital role in ensuring that your teeth maintain their proper alignment. Once your upper front teeth are straightened, either by type of braces or Invisalign, retainers help keep them in place. There are two main types: metal and plastic retainers or clear aligner retainers.

Wearing retainers is crucial to prevent your teeth from moving back to their previous position. They play a key role in keeping your teeth straight after straightening treatments. To ensure your teeth stay straight and healthy, it's important to brush your teeth regularly and follow your provider's instructions for wearing retainers. This will help maintain your smile and support lasting dental health and confidence.

Schedule Your Retainer Consultation Today

Correcting an overjet condition often involves a two-year process, and retainers are usually needed afterward. This treatment is crucial for achieving the desired outcome.

It is essential to select an experienced and licensed orthodontic provider for this task. A qualified orthodontist will have the expertise to manage your case effectively. They will also connect you with a skilled oral surgeon if necessary.

Proper in-office supervision by a seasoned orthodontist is vital for correcting an excessive overjet. This process may include wearing braces to align your teeth and jaw. Orthodontists often use rubber bands with braces to adjust the jaw's position. Lingual braces, which are less visible, and tooth-colored options are available for those who prefer a more discreet look.

These braces play a significant role in straightening teeth. The goal is to straighten your teeth effectively and improve your oral health. Remember, a well-planned treatment by a professional can lead to the best results in straightening teeth.

Overjets: Before & After Orthodontic Treatment

Mark, 18 Years Old, Overjet Correction with Invisalign, 18 Months Treatment
mark  years old overjet correction with invisalign  months treatment before and after

Jugdeep, 23 Years Old with Excessive Overjet and Overbite, 18 Month Invisalign Treatment

jugdeep  years old overjet and overbite before invisalign treatment
jugdeep  years old overjet and overbite after invisalign treatment

Overjet FAQs

  • 1 What is a Normal Overjet?

    It is normal to have a very small overjet, where the top teeth lay slightly over the bottom teeth, and all the teeth make contact when the jaw is closed.

    If there is a horizontal gap between the bottom teeth and upper teeth, this is considered excessive overjet and should be treated with experienced, quality orthodontic care from a licensed doctor.

  • 2 How Do You Correct an Overjet?

    An overjet can be corrected only by an experienced, licensed orthodontist. Orthodontists use a variety of treatments to correct and overjet but remember that every orthodontic appliance is just a tool in the hands of your orthodontist.

    The most important part of treatment is your doctor, who will carefully design your treatment and supervise its progress.

    Both metal and ceramic braces offer overjet correction, as well as Invisalign clear aligners. For very severe cases, it might be necessary to have oral surgery first before or during orthodontic treatment.

  • 3 Can Braces Correct an Overjet?

    When used by an experienced orthodontist, braces are an excellent solution to correcting an overjet. Both metal and ceramic braces offer reliable, safe, and comfortable treatment to achieve lasting results for overjet correction.

    Be sure to choose a licensed orthodontist in a dedicated orthodontic practice, rather than a general dentist, for the highest-grade materials and technology, as well as the most experienced providers and lower prices.

  • 4 Does Overjet Get Worse with Age?

    Yes, an overjet will generally continue to increase over time, getting worse with age. It is important for your health and your smile to correct an overjet. Beginning treatment while the patient is young and their teeth are still growing can produce better results.

    The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children see an orthodontist as early as age 7, to have their growing teeth examined and determine whether future intervention may be needed. But teenagers and adults of any age can correct their overjet and improve their smiles and their health.

  • 5 Is an Overjet Bad for You?

    An excessive overjet can have negative consequences for your health. It can cause toothaches, headaches, and Jaw pain , make it difficult to bite, chew, swallow, or eat, and cause pain while eating or talking.

    It can create a speech impediment, such as a lisp or a slur, and be a source of embarrassment or discomfort smiling and showing one’s teeth.

    Healthy teeth are the gateway to a healthy body: correcting an overjet with professional orthodontic supervision is an important investment in your confidence, your smile, and your lifelong health.

  • 6 Can Invisalign Correct an Overbite?

    Experienced orthodontists can use Invisalign to correct an overjet, with good results. Invisalign clear aligners use patented technology to align your teeth, closing the overjet and aligning any other teeth issues safely and effectively.

    Make sure to seek Invisalign treatment from an experienced, licensed provider, who will have access to world-class orthodontic materials, like SmartTrack™ aligners and SmartForce™ attachments.

    Avoid teledentists selling mail-order aligners: these are not supervised in-office by a licensed orthodontist and can have serious consequences for your teeth and health.

  • 7 Can Invisalign Correct an Overbite?

    Experienced orthodontists can use Invisalign to correct an overjet, with good results. Invisalign clear aligners use patented technology to align your teeth, closing the overjet and aligning any other teeth issues safely and effectively.

    Make sure to seek Invisalign treatment from an experienced, licensed provider, who will have access to world-class orthodontic materials, like SmartTrack™ aligners and SmartForce™ attachments.

    Avoid teledentists selling mail-order aligners: these are not supervised in-office by a licensed orthodontist and can have serious consequences for your teeth and health.

  • 8 How Long Does It Take to Correct an Overbite with Braces?

    Treatment times depend on the severity of your case, the experience of your provider, and where you go for treatment. Braces treatment to correct an overjet can take anywhere from 6 months to 2.5 years.

    Your orthodontist will take x-rays to determine your diagnosis and give you an estimate of the length of treatment you can expect.

  • 9 How Long Does It Take to Correct an Overbite with Invisalign?

    Invisalign treatment will vary in length depending on the severity of your overjet and the provider experience. Look for a Diamond Plus Invisalign Provider, in the top 1% of Invisalign orthodontists nationwide, for the most experienced professionals and speedier treatment times. Inexperienced orthodontists – or tele-dentists marketing mail-order aligners – may take much longer without having an accurate picture of your mouth and diagnosis.

    Depending on the severity of your overjet, and whether there are other issues to correct, you can expect treatment to take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

    Avoid teledentists and at-home aligner kits: these dentists do not have access to in-office technology and supervision, and this can make treatment times much longer, or cause damage to your teeth and mouth.

  • 10 How Do You Calculate Overjet?

    Overjet is measured as the horizontal length between the top front teeth and the bottom front teeth when the jaw is closed and the teeth are touching. It is difficult to take an exact measurement at home, but in the orthodontist’s office, they have precise instruments for measuring your overjet and determining the severity.

    A video conference with a dental professional is a good way to begin, as the professional can determine whether you have an overjet that requires treatment.

  • 11 How Much Does It Cost to Correct an Overjet with Braces?

    Braces costs range depending on the severity of your case and where you choose to get it treated. Typically, you can expect to pay somewhere between $1,700 and $7,000.

    Insurance can often help cover some or all the cost of braces link to insurance pages and your orthodontist office likely offers a payment plan to divide payments into manageable costs.

  • 12 How Much Does It Cost to Correct an Overjet with Invisalign?

    Invisalign cost varies depending on the severity of your overjet, whether there are other conditions that need to be addressed, and where you go for treatment.

    Generally, you will pay between $2,650 and $9,000. Insurance may cover some of your treatment, and most orthodontist offices offer payment plans to divide costs up into manageable portions.

    Be careful when comparing prices: some off-brand clear aligner companies offer deceptively low prices but don’t include necessary parts of care, including x-rays, attachments, and retainers.

  • 13 Can I Correct My Overjet at Home?

    No. It is not safe to attempt any orthodontic care at home. Orthodontists are specifically trained in the precise art of moving teeth and correcting bite problems.

    They use precision technology and medical-grade materials to provide results that keep your teeth safe and healthy and improve your smile and your bite. Trying at-home methods – even mail-order kits to treat teeth at home – can have serious consequences for your smile, teeth, mouth, and health, and can even cause permanent damage.

    Many thousands of people have filed consumer complaints against these companies for damaging their teeth. Put your smile in the hands of experts by seeking professional treatment for your overjet.

  • 14 Can I Correct My Overjet at Home?

    No. It is not safe to attempt any orthodontic care at home.

    Orthodontists are specifically trained in the precise art of moving teeth and correcting bite problems. They use precision technology and medical-grade materials to provide results that keep your teeth safe and healthy and improve your smile and your bite.

    Trying at-home methods – even mail-order kits to treat teeth at home – can have serious consequences for your smile, teeth, mouth, and health, and can even cause permanent damage. Many thousands of people have filed consumer complaints against these companies. Put your smile in the hands of experts by seeking professional treatment for your overjet.