Wear a Hawley Retainer?
Orthodontists provide specific instructions on how long to wear a Hawley retainer. In the first year after orthodontic treatment, you should wear your Hawley retainer all the time. You only remove it for meals, brushing your teeth, and cleaning the retainer. This period is crucial as your teeth adjust to the absence of braces.
Following a year, you may begin to use the retainer solely during the night for an additional year. Following this, you should wear your retainers every other night indefinitely. This practice helps control tooth movement and maintain the alignment of your teeth.
A retainer consists of a plastic and metal part that fits around your teeth. You can also choose permanent retainers, which fix to the back of the teeth. Both types of retainers are effective in maintaining your teeth's alignment. Following these How long to wear a Hawley Retainer instructions will ensure your teeth stay in their desired positions.