What is an Invisalign Passive Aligner?
For certain orthodontic cases with clear aligners, the diagnosis might be specific to only one set of teeth –
top or bottom. For instance, your invisible braces case might
require alignment of the top teeth, but the bottom teeth are already in the correct positions.
However, your orthodontist may be concerned that movement of the top teeth would cause movement of the bottom,
which they want to prevent.
For this reason, they might assign you a passive aligner for the bottom teeth, to hold them in place
while the upper teeth are moving.
Think of it as a retainer for your already straight teeth while the other ones move into their correct
However, when your Invisalign treatment is done, you’ll receive a new set of retainers, so you’ll stop
wearing your passive aligner.
This is the use of an Invisalign passive aligner.