Azaiea’s Dancing with Joy After Braces from Knickerbocker Orthodontist

Azaiea, 14, is an avid dancer. She also loves soccer and plans to study law. So when it came time for braces, Azaiea’s parents knew they’d have to find a practice that would keep up with her busy schedule.

Luckily, Azaiea’s family had an obvious resource to consult: their older daughter, who had already gotten braces treatment and knew how to help her younger sister out. She gave Azaeia a recommendation: Diamond Braces, which is known for its quick visits that are perfect for busy families.

Azaiea went to Diamond Braces Knickerbocker NY, conveniently located near her home. She had a consultation with Dr. James Suhan experienced doctor who’s been serving the Knickerbocker community for years. Dr. Suh recommended metal braces for her combination condition of overbite and overjet. Azaiea began metal braces treatment right away.

Even with a busy schedule full of school and extracurricular activities, Azaiea’s parents made sure to bring her in for regular check-ups, so Dr. Suh could monitor her progress. She also went to the dentist regularly, to ensure her teeth were cleaned and checked for cavities or other issues.

On her de-bonding day, Azaiea could not contain her excitement: when they were off and she saw the final results, she did an actual happy dance, followed by applause from her orthodontic team! Our orthodontist at Diamond Braces Brooklyn love to see the happy exclamations of joy when patients see their beautiful straight teeth for the first time when they finish with braces.

We wanted to know from Azaiea how her new smile would affect her future: she happily told us, “People will think more positively about me!” We have to say, we already think positively about Azaeia: she was truly a model patient and the Knickerbocker Brooklyn NY orthodontic team loved helping her achieve her beautiful, healthy smile.

Now that she’s done with her braces – but using a retainer to keep the results in place – she’ll have plenty of reasons to keep dancing. We’ll be cheering for you, Azaiea!