Meet Alondra! We chatted with her at the Avenue U office in Brooklyn at her final appointment: she’s just finished her Invisalign treatment.
Alondra originally thought she wanted braces. “My older brother and sister both had braces, so I thought I would get those too.” She had heard of Invisalign, however, because her little cousin was only 14 and had already finished his Invisalign Teen treatment! She was curious to learn more, especially when the orthodontist told her that her diagnosis was rather mild, and could easily be treated with Invisalign.
She’s so glad she did, she’s loved the experience of clear aligners! There was no pain at all. She was surprised to find that she even liked wearing the aligners: “Just wearing them made my teeth look so straight!” she tells us with a laugh. And she was thrilled at how subtle their appearance was: she got senior pictures before graduating high school, and even though she was wearing her clear aligners, you can’t tell in the photos! Keeping your appearance neat and metal-free is a big draw for people interested in clear braces.
This Brooklyn native followed her siblings to Diamond Braces, both of whom were treated right here in the Avenue U office. She had crowding on the bottom that she wanted to fix, and was glad to hear it could be fixed with clear braces. She’s super pleased with the results!
Alondra is currently a student at City Tech, where she’s studying radiology. She plans on becoming a professional radiologist when she’s done with school, and now she’s already had some X-Ray experience thanks to her Diamond Braces treatment!
When she’s not hard at work studying science or perfecting her beautiful smile, Alondra loves to hang out with her friends, improve her makeup skills, and go shopping. She’s excited to be done with her treatment so she can show off her smile by taking more pictures!!
For those considering Invisalign, she strongly recommends it! The treatment is easy, painless, and effective. Just remember to always take the case with you so you don’t leave your aligners behind in a napkin, and only drink water with your aligners in. But don’t shy away from Invisalign!
“I really recommend it,” she tells us. “It’s really the best option.”
Thanks for your insight, Alondra, maybe we’ll see you back here as a professional radiologist, now with a radiant smile!